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TheCarBlogger gets its own facelift

We think all our readers were smart enough to notice the minor redesign that we implemented not too long ago. To newcomers, we forgive you as TheCarBlogger shows massive growth everyday and new readers pour in everyday. As we look for improvements each day, we decided to undertake a minor redesign of the blog template. The main highlight of the changes is the riddance of the old two-column design in favor of the new three-column design we implemented. This new change gives the the blog a fresher and more organized look.

A minor change that we've also installed is the labels at the left column which makes viewing the blog more efficient than ever. Select the category you wish to view from the massive list of categories and you'll get there in a click.

A new widget has been also installed in our blog below each post. The AddThis Social Bookmarking makes bookmarking or sharing a post we've made easier than ever. Some of the services that you can share a post include:, Digg, Ask, Facebook, Google Bookmarks, Technorati, Windows Live Bookmarking and Fark.

We continue to look for improvements for our blog everyday and you can help us. Send us an e-mail at
If you have any news tips or corrections, please send us an e-mail at

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