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TheCarBlogger to go on a VERY short hiatus

Hiatus? You would think we're crazy as the world of automotive news moves rapidly and there's no time for pausing. We gave that a thought or two and we never intended to go on this hiatus. However, in life, personal issues can occur at the most unexpected time and we figure that now is a very appropriate time to go on a short hiatus.

To make things short, being mugged is very unpleasant. Today, my friend and I were mugged in broad daylight in front of our local subway station. Before I go on, I apologize to anyone who might be offended by the short recount of what had happened today. We figure that reading this might help you alot as you might face this when you go and come from work everyday. Two males, older in age than us, approached us out of nowhere while my friend and I was walking back from school. They were wearing bandanas on their faces to cover their identity, and they did a real good job in making themselves look like a true criminal. In our thirteen years of life, we've never encountered a mugger ever in our lives. They threatened and commited bodily harm on both my peer and I and my peer was bruised slightly from a rock thrown by one of the muggers at his shoulder blade.

Following our instincts, all we could do was run at that time. We never gave anything that they have requested (electronics, MP3 players, etc.), but they managed to make a mark on both of our lives. We will not further comment on the event, but we emphasize to you, our readers, that you should always be prepared for events like that as they can occur in the most unexpected times in the most unexpected places. Our situation occurred in broad daylight and a few witnesses got their looks on two average students being mugged with physical contact. We feel that we should take a 24-hour hiatus to relieve the mental shock we have received. We recommend you visit our friends over at Autoblog for continuous automotive news. Thank you very much for understanding and we'll be back tomorrow where our flow of automotive news will restart into full throttle.

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