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Going to the source ain't the same anymore, embedded images added

Taking effect from this very post, all our sources of the articles we post on TheCarBlogger will be embedded on the main image above the text. We got this idea from Autoblog (thanks folks) and decided to play with the complicating HTML to a great result. Up until this post, we played it the conventional way with the sources of our posts cited between some dull parentheses like this:

[Source: Autoblog]

Now, you can simply click the main image of the post above the text to be redirected to the source of the article. A sample image above demonstrates this new feature for easier comprehension. This is no big news, but we want to avoid any confusion from our readers who want to visit the source who traditionally look for the hyperlink at the end of the post. We will still cite our sources, however without the hyperlink like this:

[Source: Autoblog]

Our continuous pursuit in looking for the tiniest improvements for TheCarBlogger have been showing slowly as you might have seen some of our new features in the site. The fully revolutionized (not really) sidebar adds a Breaking News feature, Featured Posts, Spy Corner for the folks who want an earlier glimpse at upcoming cars, New Model Launches for a highlight of new cars launched over the past month and Recalls Notice for a quick look at what vehicles are currently under recall. You can click the thumbnails for added convenience.

If you have ideas for TheCarBlogger, send us an e-mail at

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