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Poll: What Do You Want More From TheCarBlogger?

Our heads are practically bleeding because we continuously scratched them trying to find out what we need to improve, add, remove from TheCarBlogger. After all, our ambition surrounds on the fact of reform. We don't want to be the top of the top, but darn close to it though. As of now, we stand no chance against the big rigs like Autoblog, LeftLaneNews and egmCarTech. We don't desire to be superior to them. We like to take the step-by-step route and find things to improve day by day. We're already in high gear in developing our videocasts, slated to arrive later in the year. We'll zip our mouths from here, but you can see how much we clamor over improving.

Our main and lone target base is you, readers and avid automotive enthusiasts. We are catering to the most fun group of people in society. We love cars and you do too. So, we want to have a little more fun by delivering automotive news to you, for browsing at home, work, or at Starbucks. We want to know what you want more from TheCarBlogger. You must have a little iffy issue of TheCarBlogger somewhere. Here's your chance to voice it. We know sending an e-mail is a pain in the bum. With the interactive poll at the bottom, just add your choice or vote up on the choices already given. We would really appreciate your participation in the poll as we are obsessed in making our blog a tiny better than the day before.

(No we won't give you a vehicle importing fees are over the roof these days.)

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